§ 1 Company name, legal form, registered office and financial year
- The company’s name is CSE Center of Safety Excellence gemeinnützige GmbH.
- The company contract is concluded for an indefinite period of time. The Company has its registered office in Pfinztal, Germany.
- The fiscal year lasts from February 1 to January 31. The first financial year ends on January 31 of the calendar year following registration.
§ 2 Subject, purpose and activities
- The Company exclusively and directly pursues non-profit purposes within the meaning of the section “Tax-privileged purposes” of the German Tax Code.
- The purpose of the Society is the promotion of science and research as well as education, popular and professional training including student assistance.
- The purpose of the statutes is realized in particular through the establishment and operation of the CSE Center of Safety Excellence gemeinnützige GmbH, which conducts in-house and contract research in the field of process and plant safety using allocations from the public sector and third parties. The company aims at networking and joint project implementation with national and international institutions and associations (also as an affiliated institute of a university). Furthermore, the society will offer congresses, symposia, seminars, workshops, lectures and publications in the field of process and plant safety for the interested public or participate in such events or publications. Scientific statements on topics in the field of activity are also part of the tasks. The Society will continue to offer and fund scholarships, student exchanges, and awards for excellence in the field of activity.
- The Company is authorized to establish branches, to acquire interests in other companies, to establish other companies, to enter into joint ventures and cooperations, and to engage in all transactions that appear to be directly or indirectly beneficial to the achievement and promotion of the Company’s purpose.
§ 3 Tax non-profit status
- The Company operates selflessly; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.
- The Company’s funds may only be used for the purposes set out in the Articles of Association. The shareholders may not receive any shares in profits or other allocations from the company’s funds. In the event of their withdrawal or the dissolution of the Company or the discontinuation of tax-privileged purposes, they shall receive no more than their paid-up capital shares and the fair value of their contributions in kind.
- No person may benefit from expenditures that are not related to the purpose of the Society or from disproportionately high remuneration.