CSE-Institut | CSE Center of Safety Excellence gGmbH

Goals & Strategies

Realized in CSE main research areas and projects.

It’s a long way to achieve great goals!

check_circle  Make our world safer!
check_circle  Create trust through safety!
check_circle  Live safety, not just teach it!

CSE Institute: Goals & Strategies

Technical plants and processes must become even safer!

error  No casualties / no major events
error  No adverse effects on humans and the environment
error  No release of substances (zero emission)
error  No events
error  No deviations from normal operation

“None” means: not a single one – at any time! That is the goal. A balance must be struck between economic interests and the protection of people and the environment. Worldwide resources must be conserved.



We need to build confidence in safe plants:

error  Trust is based on respectful interaction
error  Trust means responsibility for the other
error  Trust must be reaffirmed every day!

It is an arduous journey to get there:

error  Public trust in safety instead of acceptance of risks
error  Public mindfulness instead of belief in zero risk
error  Continuous dialogue on safety instead of silence
error  Daily „Licence to operate“


We create free space in the mind – for the Safety Mind Set! That means safety 24/7 …

Everyone must think and act in terms of safety, every day, everywhere …

error  Safety does not end at the factory gate
error  Always assess the risk first – then act adequately
error Safety thinking and acting can be learned

“Safety Mind Set” should be present in all people. Safety must be lived.


Harmony in safety – the world needs a niveau!

We are working towards a uniformly high and accepted safety level for process and plant safety worldwide.

ow this level can be achieved depends on many factors, including culture, training, manufacturing qualities and tolerances, etc.

Harmonization is important for globally active companies.



Our motivation: standing still is going backwards – what can we do today to become safer?

CSE Strategy:

check_circle  Applied research for plant safety
check_circle  Promoting young talent through research and teaching
check_circle  Innovations with safety
check_circle  Sustainable competence retention
check_circle  CSE – Leadership in process and plant safety

CSE Institute: Strategy