Founding history of the CSE
The industry demands young talent in safety technology
In the meantime, more than 20 institutes have been closed. Research funding reached an all-time low. Why do research if the plants are safe? Hardly any young people with basic knowledge of safety technology are still streaming out of universities and into industry. People are living on substance – experienced safety engineers are trying to train their new colleagues. But this does not go as deep in industry as it does in research work. Competencies in the area of process and plant safety are in danger of declining.
Now this should all be over. Dechema launches the initiative “Maintaining competence in safety technology”. A position paper explains the points of view, makes clear the need for research. The plants are safe – but still research? But still invest in safety technology? That doesn’t make sense.
Another attempt is made. At the ECCE conference in Berlin, experts discuss the preservation of competencies. It is more urgent than ever before. Presentation Schmidt ECCE2011.
The problems also exist abroad, e.g. in the Netherlands, Denmark and the USA. Maintaining competence in the field of safety technology is becoming a global issue. There is less and less room for research in industry. Services are more urgent.
Dechema invites to a meeting of university teachers. Safety technology must be taught at universities! But the curricula are full. And who is to teach the subject – there are only a few university lecturers with industrial experience in the field of process and plant safety.
The original Dechema initiative becomes the idea of a center of excellence for safety technology. The CSE Center of Safety Excellence is founded.
Research and teaching for maintaining competence! This is what is to be achieved at the CSE Institute. To achieve this, strong partners are needed – only if the industry jointly sets the research direction, if it sets requirements and does not slacken in its efforts to become even safer, then the maintenance of competence will be achieved in the long term.